
PMS API read-only mode now available for Industry users

On 3 July 2024, the read-only mode of the Product Management Service (PMS) Application Programming Interface (API) has gone live for registered users and is now accessible for all Marketing Authorisation Holders (MAHs).

date: 03/07/2024

Registered Industry users can now view Centrally Authorised Product (CAP) and Nationally Authorised Product (NAP) ISO-IDMP compliant data in the API.

The general release of the National Competent Authority (NCA) role in EMA Account Management for the PMS API is postponed until later in 2024, when the version of the API is updated to enable the release of the access.
This milestone is part of the roadmap toward a data-centric target operating model. The go-live of the PMS API read-only mode follows the go-live of PMS Product User Interface (PUI) read-only mode for CAPs, which took place on 31 May 2024.

Key action for MAHs
In an important preparatory step to enhancing data later in 2024, read access through the API and PUI enables MAHs to review relevant products’ information, i.e. check that the data is consistent with the information in XEVMPD. If any discrepancies are found or there are any doubts about the data displayed, MAHs should open a EMA Service Desk Ticket.

Using the API
Please note that the new PMS role required for accessing the PMS API can now be requested (for Industry users) in the EMA Account Management portal.
Upcoming training session: EMA is organising a public webinar on 8 July 2024 (14:00 – 15:00 CEST) to provide an overview of the API, and showcase the access and data read through the API. Register here, and consult the event web page for further information.
Q&A Clinics: Throughout the month of July 2024, the PMS team will be available to answer your questions on Product User Interface and API use during two 30 mins sessions:

The below guidance documents include information on how to access the PMS API:

If you have any question please contact or post them via the PLM Portal Forum.